It forms when you hunt in an area and slowly disappears over time. Maybe be able to have two dogs working at the same time with different stats like one has a longer smelling noise but low accuracy and the second one has the opposite so the first dog finds the general area and the other finds it exact spot, or a second dog a flush dog (like a cocker spaniel) so you don't have to walk up and kick it up yourself so you have a little distance and will get a better shot at it.Originally posted by Gunhaver:This is hunting pressure. also have more then just the standard GSP and English pointer, of course have them in there that is with out question but just more options like Setters, Brittanies, Wirehairs, and Vizsla just to name a few. and maybe have the different breeds have different stats or be able to do a skill point system for them such as the endurance, distance (being able to smell a bird from further range) accuracy (being able to pin point the exact bush the bird is in vs a lower accuracy where it points to the general area) stuff like that being able to make it seem like its a dog you trained and more personalized. I think it would be also be fun to add more dogs other than just the blood hounds we have now and add more features for them such as Pointing dogs, Flushing/retrieving dogs, and water dogs depending on the hunting you want to do, and if you have a dog with you it scares away the other larger game but helps with bird but be able to leave the dog at camp when you want to hunt other things. I think it would be fun to have a map that was focused on bird hunting, but not only that, such a map in South Dakota, Nebraska, or Kansas where there are plenty of other game to hunt but birds are most prevalent. I do some bird hunting guiding now and thought that would be a fun thing to add in. I got to playing it again and it had a variety of dogs to choose from and they would actually hunt, track, and retrieve birds for you. I had been digging through some of my old games back from when they were on CD, and found "bird hunter wild wing edition" from 2000.

I was wondering about maps focused on upland bird hunting such as pheasants, quail, chucker, snipe/woodcock, and grouse.